Mucky Muck Muck Part 3!! - The Final Mission... ;)
But befor you all get sad i'll post the picture of the end results.
2 weeks ago Iwas leant by one of my subcontractors a rather nice digger!!
The aim was to get the side part of the garden level the bank finished and floor level reduced by the garage ready for slabbing!!
And i can say mission accomplished! (and it was fun!!)
The machine a mear 6 months old was complete with a roof!!!, heating, lights and windscreen wipers.. "What more could any boy need!"
The days work went very well i even managed to dig a big hole and bury the final massive tree stump!!
Mark popped round for a play aswell which was good as he's a slightly better driver than me!!
So all the digging is done now, i have a price for landscaping and a price for slabbing and putting the patio in so hopefully it will all start early in the new year.
We may be even able to have a Barbie next summer!!!
I'll keep you posted..