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Saturday, April 28, 2007

On the ball city (or not!)

Ho hum! Last home game of the season and it left me rather disappointed. Where was the passion?!? The players didn't seem to want to fight for a win and the fans left, heavy hearted, most of them not wanting to bother congratulating their team for their efforts this season.

Well, we must look forward to next season and speaking for my sister and myself 'We love you Darren Huckerby...

...and Dion Dublin

and Dickson Etuhu (you too, Helena?!?!)'

N.B. Just incase you were wondering, this was posted by Ruth and not Andy!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was quick blogging! Yes, I have to agree with you, they really were the three musketeers. Dickson might be my new favourite player next season?!

8:07 pm

Blogger Pablo said...

I cant believe how poor norwich are - huckers is the only player worth keepin! He shows the passion!

9:44 pm


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